▶ 선물공룡 디보 영문판으로 영어 홈스쿨링 한다!
▶ 아이와 엄마가 함께 하는 영어 학습! 모바일로 함께 하세요.
▶ 한 번만 다운로드 받으세요!
Youtube 스트리밍과 다르게 영상을 다운로드 하여 데이터 요금 걱정 없이 언제, 어디서나 영상을 즐기실 수 있습니다.
▶선물공룡 디보의 특별한 선물
내가 원하는 캐릭터의 사이즈와 위치를 조절하며 셀카도 쉽게 찍을 수 있습니다. 아이를 위해 만들어진 UI로 부모님도 함께 기념사진을 찍어보세요 ^-^!
▶ 뽀로로를 제작한 오콘에서 탄생한 사랑스러운 캐릭터들을 만나보세요!
▶Welcome to the Cozy Land-!
▶Dibo the Gift Dragon is an animation series made by OCON, famous for Pororo
▶Download 1 time, Enjoy it Anywhere, Anytime.
Even you are on the plane!
(Its not Youtube streaming service)
▶ Special Gift from Dibo
You can take pictures with Dibo and Friends.
Kids can take selfy easily.
Cozy Land is a village of puppets where everything is made out of soft fabrics.
Here, puppet friends live in harmony with lots of dreams and imaginations.
Annie is gentle and shes an excellent cook.
Buuny is a cute rabbit who loves looking at herself in the mirror.
Troublemaker Elo is and elephant who drives his fire truck around anywhere he goes.
Cro is a smart crow who likes to point out the rights and the wrongs all the time.
And Oliver is a lamb who sleeps wherever and whenever he can.
Dibo loves giving gifts. Through these gifts, Kids discover new surprises and unexpected joys.
Thanks to Dibos gifts, fantastic events happen everyday.
What gift will Dibo bring out next?
-Genre : Preschool Edutainment
-Format : 3D CGI Animation
▶This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad
▶Developer mail : [email protected]